Our First Bootstrap

Sabrina Larson, Jeanna Brault, and Riandria Gordon

About Us

Photos of Us:
Sabrina Larson Portrait Riandria Gordon Portrait Jeanna Brault Portrait


References we used:

Bootstrap Sample Page

May 18, 2021
Oranges on a teal background

Learning Plan 8 CSS Frameworks: Bootstrap

This page was created using the CSS framework, Bootstrap. We applied Bootstrap classes and added our own CSS styling.

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Learning Plan 8

May 18, 2021
Summer Colors


Having no prior experience with CSS Frameworks, this learning plan was a great first experience experimenting and learning how to use Bootstrap. Especially after this course, looking at Bootstrap with experience in CSS I was able to understand the framework more readily. It was kinda fun to work with Bootstrap's components and classes. I also enjoyed overriding Bootstrap with some of my own style choices. As I continue to work with Bootstrap, I am interested in looking at the source scss and adding my own variables and customizations through sass.

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Bootstrap Framework

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.